
This page is intended for the description of properties that are used across area monitoring system.

Common properties


The scope identifier primarily serves as a reference data differentiator. It can be:

  • a country identifier (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) + year of data (e.g. SI22) or
  • internal classifier (e.g. DEMO), if the country scope is not applicable, that can be constructed of:
    • uppercase letters [A-Z] (English alphabet only)
    • numbers [0-9]
    • underscore _

Common React props objects


A geometry element is a GeoJSON object (CRS: WGS84). Holes are allowed.

type*stringThe type of shape to be rendered. The supportive geometry types are Polygon or MultiPolygon.
coordinates*arrayThe coordinates that set the position of the drawn shape’s outline.

* indicates mandatory properties


A style element is an object that defines how geometry will be displayed.

strokeColor*The color (one of CSS legal color values) of the shape's outline.
lineWidth*The width of the outline in pixels.

* indicates mandatory properties