The Marker service API is a RESTful API interface to various markers. You can browse the reference docs here.
This chapter describes the structure of the markers data provided by the Markers service API.
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
observationCount | Count of all FOI's bare-soil observations |
markerObservations | List of bare-soil observations |
date | Signal acquisition date |
confidence | Confidence in the observation being bare-soil (value between 0 and 1) |
"id": "CY22.MARKER.588-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_BARE_SOIL",
"impl" : "OBSERVATION",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.588",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"observationCount": 37,
"markerObservations": [
"date": "2021-10-08",
"confidence": 0.9277381
"date": "2021-10-10",
"confidence": 0.97361684
"date": "2021-10-15",
"confidence": 0.9888286
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
events | List of ploughing events |
start | Date before a significant rise of baresoil pseudo-probability (BS_PROBA) was detected |
startThreshold | The first date when the significant rise of BS_PROBA, compared to startValue , was detected |
endThreshold | The first date before end when the significant difference of BS_PROBA value compared to endValue was detected |
extrema | Timestamp of the highest BS_PROBA value within the start - end interval |
end | Timestamp that marks the end of the ploughing period; has same value as extrema |
startValue | BS_PROBA value at the start date |
startThresholdValue | BS_PROBA value at the startThreshold date |
endThresholdValue | BS_PROBA value at the endThreshold date |
extremaValue | BS_PROBA value at the extrema date |
endValue | BS_PROBA value at the end date; has same value as extremaValue |
numObservations | Number of valid observations within the start - end interval |
"id": "RS20.MARKER.71189-112",
"markerTypeId": "RS20.CL_MT.S2L2A_PLOUGHING_MARKER",
"impl" : "EVENT",
"inferenceId": "RS20.INFERENCE.71189",
"foiId": "RS20.FOI.112",
"status": "OK",
"events" : [
"numObservations" : 4,
"extremaValue" : 0.8879989,
"endValue" : 0.8879989,
"start" : "2020-06-30",
"end" : "2020-07-30",
"extrema" : "2020-07-30",
"endThresholdValue" : 0.393348,
"startThreshold" : "2020-07-30",
"startValue" : 0.076752804,
"startThresholdValue" : 0.8879989,
"endThreshold" : "2020-07-10"
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
classificationCode | hypothesisCode with the highest score |
classificationScore | score of the most probable assumed hypothesisCode (value between 0 and 100) |
markerScores | List of scores per hypothesis |
hypothesisCode | Assumed homogeneity/heterogeneity of a FOI - "homogeneous" or "heterogeneous" |
score | The normalised ([0, 100]) representation of probability of the hypothesis being true |
"id": "CY22.MARKER.590-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_HOMOGENEITY",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.590",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "homogeneous",
"classificationScore": 98,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "heterogeneous",
"score": 2
"hypothesisCode": "homogeneous",
"score": 98
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
events | List of mowing events |
start | The last date before the drop of NDVI was detected |
startThreshold | The first date when the significant drop of NDVI was detected |
endThreshold | The first date when the significant difference of NDVI value compared to extremaValue was detected. |
extrema | Timestamp of the lowest NDVI value within the start - end interval |
end | The first date after the extrema when the NDVI value recovered sufficently compared to extremaValue |
startValue | NDVI value at the start date |
startThresholdValue | NDVI value at the startThreshold date |
endThresholdValue | NDVI value at the endThreshold date |
extremaValue | Lowest NDVI value within the start - end interval (at the extrema ) |
endValue | NDVI value at the end date |
numObservations | Number of valid observations within the start - end interval |
probability | Probability of an event |
"id": "CY22.MARKER.589-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_MOWING",
"impl" : "EVENT",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.589",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"events": [
"numObservations" : 4,
"extremaValue" : 0.18152198,
"endValue" : 0.30097502,
"probability" : 0.011970464,
"start" : "2020-08-04",
"end" : "2020-09-03",
"extrema" : "2020-08-14",
"endThresholdValue" : 0.32299966,
"startThreshold" : "2020-08-14",
"startValue" : 0.32299966,
"startThresholdValue" : 0.18152198,
"endThreshold" : "2020-08-04"
"numObservations" : 6,
"extremaValue" : 0.16239251,
"endValue" : 0.3684666,
"probability" : 0.030903734,
"start" : "2020-09-03",
"extrema" : "2020-09-18",
"startThreshold" : "2020-09-08",
"end" : "2020-10-23",
"endThresholdValue" : 0.30097502,
"startValue" : 0.30097502,
"startThresholdValue" : 0.1874948,
"endThreshold" : "2020-09-03"
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
events | List of partial mowing events |
ndviBottom | Lowest NDVI value within the eventStart - eventEnd interval |
numObservations | Number of valid observations within the eventThreshold - eventEnd interval |
ndviStart | NDVI value on the date before the drop of NDVI was detected (at the eventStart ) |
eventStart | The last date before the drop of NDVI was detected |
eventThreshold | The first date when the drop of NDVI was detected |
ndviDrop | Difference between the ndviStart and ndviBottom |
ndviThreshold | NDVI value on the first date when the drop of NDVI was detected (at the eventThreshold ) |
daysBetweenStartAndThreshold | Number of days between eventStart and eventThreshold |
duration | Number of days between eventThreshold and eventEnd |
eventEnd | End date of the mowing event |
ndviEnd | NDVI value at the end of the mowing event (at the eventEnd ) |
eventMask | Boolean raster mask describing which pixels belong to a cluster |
bottomTimestamp | Timestamp of the lowest NDVI value within the eventStart - eventEnd interval |
"id": "TEST.MARKER.9-7422731001",
"markerTypeId": "TEST.CL_MT.S2L1C_PIXEL_MOWING",
"inferenceId": "TEST.INFERENCE.9",
"foiId": "TEST.FOI.7422731001",
"status": "OK",
"events": [
"ndviBottom": 0.6479333,
"numObservations": 7,
"ndviStart": 0.84885,
"eventStart": "2022-06-11",
"eventThreshold": "2022-06-19",
"ndviDrop": 0.20091671,
"ndviThreshold": 0.6937333,
"daysBetweenStartAndThreshold": 8,
"duration": 30,
"eventEnd": "2022-07-19",
"ndviEnd": 0.75409997,
"eventMask": [
"bottomTimestamp": "2022-06-29"
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
maxChunkSizePix | Size (in pixels) of the largest part of FOI with a detected mowing event |
maxChunkRatio | Relative coverage of the largest part of FOI with a detected mowing event |
mowingDetected | Flag that is set to true if a FOI has a mowing detected according to specified query |
coverageSizePix | Count of all pixels with a detected mowing event |
data | Pixel-mask of mowing event counts |
numPixels | Number of source pixels inside the FOI's geometry |
coverageRatio | Relative coverage of all pixels with a detected mowing event |
"id" : "TEST.MARKER.8-6820505001",
"inferenceId" : "TEST.INFERENCE.8",
"foiId" : "TEST.FOI.6820505001",
"status" : "OK",
"maxChunkSizePix" : 10,
"maxChunkRatio" : 0.8333333,
"mowingDetected" : true,
"coverageSizePix" : 10,
"data" : [ [ -1, 0, 0, 1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 5 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 4 ] ],
"numPixels" : 12,
"coverageRatio" : 0.8333333
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
classificationCode | Most similar crop type (crop id) |
declaredAsCode | Declared crop type (crop id) |
classificationScore | Score of the most similar crop type (value between 0 and 100) |
markerScores | List of scores per hypothesis |
hypothesisCode | Assumed crop type of the target FOI (based on neighboring FOIs) |
score | The normalised ([0, 100]) representation of the chi2 value of the NDVI time-series difference between the target FOI and the neighboring FOIs (the lower the score, the more similar) |
"id": "CY22.MARKER.593-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_SIMILARITY",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.593",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "238",
"declaredAsCode": "40",
"classificationScore": 20,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "1",
"score": 64
"hypothesisCode": "40",
"score": 56
"hypothesisCode": "111",
"score": 27
"hypothesisCode": "122",
"score": 100
"hypothesisCode": "15",
"score": 95
"hypothesisCode": "238",
"score": 20
"hypothesisCode": "8",
"score": 100
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
classificationCode | Most similar crop type (crop id) |
declaredAsCode | Declared crop type (crop id) |
classificationScore | Score of the most similar crop type (value between 0 and 100) |
markerScores | List of scores per hypothesis |
hypothesisCode | Assumed crop type of the target FOI (based on neighboring FOIs) |
score | The normalised ([0, 100]) representation of the Median Euclidean distance between the NDVI time-series of the target FOI and the neighboring FOIs having assumed crop type declared (the lower the score, the more similar) |
sameCropCount | Number of all neighbouring FOIs with the same declared crop type as the target FOI |
"id": "CY22.MARKER.594-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_DISTANCE",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.594",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "46",
"declaredAsCode": "40",
"classificationScore": 56,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "1",
"score": 95
"hypothesisCode": "111",
"score": 72
"hypothesisCode": "150",
"score": 100
"hypothesisCode": "40",
"score": 85
"hypothesisCode": "46",
"score": 56
"hypothesisCode": "18",
"score": 89
"sameCropCount": 3
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
classificationCode | Assumed crop group with the highest confidence |
declaredAsCode | Declared crop group (mapped from the declared crop type) |
classificationScore | Score of the likeliest assumed crop group (value between 0 and 100) |
markerScores | List of scores per hypothesis |
hypothesisCode | Assumed crop group |
score | Confidence in the assumed crop group (value between 0 and 100) |
"id": "CY22.MARKER.585-10837450",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.585",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "POTATOES",
"declaredAsCode": "POTATOES",
"classificationScore": 52,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "BANANAS",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "BARLEY",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "CEREALS",
"score": 2
"hypothesisCode": "GREENHOUSES",
"score": 1
"hypothesisCode": "LAND LYING FALLOW",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "LEGUMES",
"score": 4
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "PERMANENT GRASSLAND",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "POTATOES",
"score": 52
"hypothesisCode": "VARIOUS VEGETABLES",
"score": 13
"hypothesisCode": "WHEAT",
"score": 2
"hypothesisCode": "VINEYARDS",
"score": 0
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
classificationCode | Assumed land use group with the highest confidence |
declaredAsCode | Declared land use group (mapped from the declared crop type) |
classificationScore | Score of the likeliest assumed land use group (value between 0 and 100) |
markerScores | List of scores per hypothesis |
hypothesisCode | Assumed land use group |
score | Confidence in the assumed land use group (value between 0 and 100) |
"id": "CY22.MARKER.586-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_LAND_COVER",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.586",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "ARABLE LAND",
"declaredAsCode": "ARABLE LAND",
"classificationScore": 100,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "ARABLE LAND",
"score": 100
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "GREENHOUSE",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "PERMANENT CROPS",
"score": 0
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
value | Mean NDVI value of all valid observations per FOI |
"id": "CY22.MARKER.592-10837450",
"impl" : "AGGREGATION",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.592",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"value": 0.5653076
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
impl | Marker class |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
eventComposites | List of rise-fall pairs |
rise.start | Date before a significant rise of NDVI was detected; start of the greening period |
rise.startThreshold | The first date when the significant rise of NDVI, compared to rise.startValue was detected |
rise.endThreshold | The first date before rise.end when the significant difference of NDVI value compared to rise.endValue was detected |
rise.extrema | Timestamp within the greening period when the NDVI value is the highest |
rise.end | Timestamp that marks the end of the greening period; has same value as rise.extrema |
rise.startValue | NDVI value at the rise.start |
rise.startThresholdValue | NDVI value at the rise.startThreshold |
rise.endThresholdValue | NDVI value at the rise.endThreshold |
rise.extremaValue | NDVI value at the rise.extrema |
rise.endValue | NDVI value at the rise.end ; has same value as rise.extremaValue |
rise.numObservations | Number of valid observations between the start and the end of the greening period |
fall.start | Date before a significant NDVI drop was detected; start of the harvest period |
fall.startThreshold | The first date when the significant drop of NDVI, compared to fall.startValue was detected |
fall.endThreshold | The first date before fall.end when the significant difference of NDVI value compared to fall.endValue was detected. |
fall.extrema | Timestamp within the harvest period when the NDVI value is the lowest |
fall.end | Timestamp that marks the end of the harvest period; has same value as fall.extrema |
fall.startValue | NDVI value at the fall.start |
fall.startThresholdValue | NDVI value at the fall.startThreshold |
fall.endThresholdValue | NDVI value at the fall.endThreshold |
fall.extremaValue | NDVI value at the fall.extrema |
fall.endValue | NDVI value at the fall.end ; has same value as fall.extremaValue |
fall.numObservations | Number of valid observations between the start and the end of the harvest period |
"id": "TEST.MARKER.91-6727959001",
"inferenceId": "TEST.INFERENCE.91",
"foiId": "TEST.FOI.6727959001",
"status": "OK",
"eventComposites": [
"rise" : {
"endValue" : 0.83880246,
"endThreshold" : "2020-04-01",
"startValue" : 0.6217497,
"end" : "2020-04-16",
"extrema" : "2020-04-16",
"startThreshold" : "2020-03-12",
"numObservations" : 7,
"endThresholdValue" : 0.77352065,
"startThresholdValue" : 0.7250762,
"extremaValue" : 0.83880246,
"start" : "2020-03-02"
"fall" : {
"extrema" : "2020-09-18",
"endThreshold" : "2020-09-03",
"end" : "2020-09-18",
"endValue" : 0.16239251,
"startValue" : 0.83880246,
"startThreshold" : "2020-07-05",
"start" : "2020-04-16",
"startThresholdValue" : 0.36374354,
"numObservations" : 10,
"endThresholdValue" : 0.30097502,
"extremaValue" : 0.16239251
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
evaluation | Result of the evaluation of the given condition(s) (true/false) |
"id" : "TEST.MARKER.6-4981068",
"markerTypeId" : "TEST.CL_MT.S2L1C_EVALUATION",
"inferenceId" : "TEST.INFERENCE.6",
"foiId" : "TEST.FOI.4981068",
"status" : "OK",
"evaluation" : true
Key | Description |
id | Marker id |
markerTypeId | Marker type id |
inferenceId | Inference id |
foiId | FOI (Feature Of Interest) id |
status | Marker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED") |
count | Count of valid (according to a given condition) occurences, e.g. number of valid observatons, number of observations when the FOI's mean NDVI was above some threshold, etc. |
"id" : "TEST.MARKER.90-4105747",
"inferenceId" : "TEST.INFERENCE.90",
"foiId" : "TEST.FOI.4105747",
"status" : "OK",
"count" : 10