Marker Service API

API Overview

The Marker service API is a RESTful API interface to various markers. You can browse the reference docs here.

This chapter describes the structure of the markers data provided by the Markers service API.

Bare-soil marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
observationCountCount of all FOI's bare-soil observations
markerObservationsList of bare-soil observations
dateSignal acquisition date
confidenceConfidence in the observation being bare-soil (value between 0 and 1)

Example response

"id": "CY22.MARKER.588-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_BARE_SOIL",
"impl" : "OBSERVATION",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.588",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"observationCount": 37,
"markerObservations": [
"date": "2021-10-08",
"confidence": 0.9277381
"date": "2021-10-10",
"confidence": 0.97361684
"date": "2021-10-15",
"confidence": 0.9888286

Ploughing marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
eventsList of ploughing events
startDate before a significant rise of baresoil pseudo-probability (BS_PROBA) was detected
startThresholdThe first date when the significant rise of BS_PROBA, compared to startValue, was detected
endThresholdThe first date before end when the significant difference of BS_PROBA value compared to endValue was detected
extremaTimestamp of the highest BS_PROBA value within the start - end interval
endTimestamp that marks the end of the ploughing period; has same value as extrema
startValueBS_PROBA value at the start date
startThresholdValueBS_PROBA value at the startThreshold date
endThresholdValueBS_PROBA value at the endThreshold date
extremaValueBS_PROBA value at the extrema date
endValueBS_PROBA value at the end date; has same value as extremaValue
numObservationsNumber of valid observations within the start - end interval

Ploughing marker

Example response

"id": "RS20.MARKER.71189-112",
"markerTypeId": "RS20.CL_MT.S2L2A_PLOUGHING_MARKER",
"impl" : "EVENT",
"inferenceId": "RS20.INFERENCE.71189",
"foiId": "RS20.FOI.112",
"status": "OK",
"events" : [
"numObservations" : 4,
"extremaValue" : 0.8879989,
"endValue" : 0.8879989,
"start" : "2020-06-30",
"end" : "2020-07-30",
"extrema" : "2020-07-30",
"endThresholdValue" : 0.393348,
"startThreshold" : "2020-07-30",
"startValue" : 0.076752804,
"startThresholdValue" : 0.8879989,
"endThreshold" : "2020-07-10"

Homogeneity marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
classificationCodehypothesisCode with the highest score
classificationScorescore of the most probable assumed hypothesisCode (value between 0 and 100)
markerScoresList of scores per hypothesis
hypothesisCodeAssumed homogeneity/heterogeneity of a FOI - "homogeneous" or "heterogeneous"
scoreThe normalised ([0, 100]) representation of probability of the hypothesis being true

Example response

"id": "CY22.MARKER.590-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_HOMOGENEITY",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.590",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "homogeneous",
"classificationScore": 98,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "heterogeneous",
"score": 2
"hypothesisCode": "homogeneous",
"score": 98

Mowing marker (on FOI level)

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
eventsList of mowing events
startThe last date before the drop of NDVI was detected
startThresholdThe first date when the significant drop of NDVI was detected
endThresholdThe first date when the significant difference of NDVI value compared to extremaValue was detected.
extremaTimestamp of the lowest NDVI value within the start - end interval
endThe first date after the extrema when the NDVI value recovered sufficently compared to extremaValue
startValueNDVI value at the start date
startThresholdValueNDVI value at the startThreshold date
endThresholdValueNDVI value at the endThreshold date
extremaValueLowest NDVI value within the start - end interval (at the extrema)
endValueNDVI value at the end date
numObservationsNumber of valid observations within the start - end interval
probabilityProbability of an event

Mowing marker

Example response

"id": "CY22.MARKER.589-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_MOWING",
"impl" : "EVENT",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.589",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"events": [
"numObservations" : 4,
"extremaValue" : 0.18152198,
"endValue" : 0.30097502,
"probability" : 0.011970464,
"start" : "2020-08-04",
"end" : "2020-09-03",
"extrema" : "2020-08-14",
"endThresholdValue" : 0.32299966,
"startThreshold" : "2020-08-14",
"startValue" : 0.32299966,
"startThresholdValue" : 0.18152198,
"endThreshold" : "2020-08-04"
"numObservations" : 6,
"extremaValue" : 0.16239251,
"endValue" : 0.3684666,
"probability" : 0.030903734,
"start" : "2020-09-03",
"extrema" : "2020-09-18",
"startThreshold" : "2020-09-08",
"end" : "2020-10-23",
"endThresholdValue" : 0.30097502,
"startValue" : 0.30097502,
"startThresholdValue" : 0.1874948,
"endThreshold" : "2020-09-03"

Pixel-mowing marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
eventsList of partial mowing events
ndviBottomLowest NDVI value within the eventStart - eventEnd interval
numObservationsNumber of valid observations within the eventThreshold - eventEnd interval
ndviStartNDVI value on the date before the drop of NDVI was detected (at the eventStart)
eventStartThe last date before the drop of NDVI was detected
eventThresholdThe first date when the drop of NDVI was detected
ndviDropDifference between the ndviStart and ndviBottom
ndviThresholdNDVI value on the first date when the drop of NDVI was detected (at the eventThreshold)
daysBetweenStartAndThresholdNumber of days between eventStart and eventThreshold
durationNumber of days between eventThreshold and eventEnd
eventEndEnd date of the mowing event
ndviEndNDVI value at the end of the mowing event (at the eventEnd)
eventMaskBoolean raster mask describing which pixels belong to a cluster
bottomTimestampTimestamp of the lowest NDVI value within the eventStart - eventEnd interval

Example response

"id": "TEST.MARKER.9-7422731001",
"markerTypeId": "TEST.CL_MT.S2L1C_PIXEL_MOWING",
"inferenceId": "TEST.INFERENCE.9",
"foiId": "TEST.FOI.7422731001",
"status": "OK",
"events": [
"ndviBottom": 0.6479333,
"numObservations": 7,
"ndviStart": 0.84885,
"eventStart": "2022-06-11",
"eventThreshold": "2022-06-19",
"ndviDrop": 0.20091671,
"ndviThreshold": 0.6937333,
"daysBetweenStartAndThreshold": 8,
"duration": 30,
"eventEnd": "2022-07-19",
"ndviEnd": 0.75409997,
"eventMask": [
"bottomTimestamp": "2022-06-29"

Pixel-mowing aggregation marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
maxChunkSizePixSize (in pixels) of the largest part of FOI with a detected mowing event
maxChunkRatioRelative coverage of the largest part of FOI with a detected mowing event
mowingDetectedFlag that is set to true if a FOI has a mowing detected according to specified query
coverageSizePixCount of all pixels with a detected mowing event
dataPixel-mask of mowing event counts
numPixelsNumber of source pixels inside the FOI's geometry
coverageRatioRelative coverage of all pixels with a detected mowing event

Example response

"id" : "TEST.MARKER.8-6820505001",
"inferenceId" : "TEST.INFERENCE.8",
"foiId" : "TEST.FOI.6820505001",
"status" : "OK",
"maxChunkSizePix" : 10,
"maxChunkRatio" : 0.8333333,
"mowingDetected" : true,
"coverageSizePix" : 10,
"data" : [ [ -1, 0, 0, 1 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 5 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 4 ] ],
"numPixels" : 12,
"coverageRatio" : 0.8333333

Similarity marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
classificationCodeMost similar crop type (crop id)
declaredAsCodeDeclared crop type (crop id)
classificationScoreScore of the most similar crop type (value between 0 and 100)
markerScoresList of scores per hypothesis
hypothesisCodeAssumed crop type of the target FOI (based on neighboring FOIs)
scoreThe normalised ([0, 100]) representation of the chi2 value of the NDVI time-series difference between the target FOI and the neighboring FOIs (the lower the score, the more similar)

Example response

"id": "CY22.MARKER.593-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_SIMILARITY",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.593",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "238",
"declaredAsCode": "40",
"classificationScore": 20,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "1",
"score": 64
"hypothesisCode": "40",
"score": 56
"hypothesisCode": "111",
"score": 27
"hypothesisCode": "122",
"score": 100
"hypothesisCode": "15",
"score": 95
"hypothesisCode": "238",
"score": 20
"hypothesisCode": "8",
"score": 100

Euclidian distance marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
classificationCodeMost similar crop type (crop id)
declaredAsCodeDeclared crop type (crop id)
classificationScoreScore of the most similar crop type (value between 0 and 100)
markerScoresList of scores per hypothesis
hypothesisCodeAssumed crop type of the target FOI (based on neighboring FOIs)
scoreThe normalised ([0, 100]) representation of the Median Euclidean distance between the NDVI time-series of the target FOI and the neighboring FOIs having assumed crop type declared (the lower the score, the more similar)
sameCropCountNumber of all neighbouring FOIs with the same declared crop type as the target FOI

Example response

"id": "CY22.MARKER.594-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_DISTANCE",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.594",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "46",
"declaredAsCode": "40",
"classificationScore": 56,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "1",
"score": 95
"hypothesisCode": "111",
"score": 72
"hypothesisCode": "150",
"score": 100
"hypothesisCode": "40",
"score": 85
"hypothesisCode": "46",
"score": 56
"hypothesisCode": "18",
"score": 89
"sameCropCount": 3

Crop-group marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
classificationCodeAssumed crop group with the highest confidence
declaredAsCodeDeclared crop group (mapped from the declared crop type)
classificationScoreScore of the likeliest assumed crop group (value between 0 and 100)
markerScoresList of scores per hypothesis
hypothesisCodeAssumed crop group
scoreConfidence in the assumed crop group (value between 0 and 100)

Example response

"id": "CY22.MARKER.585-10837450",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.585",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "POTATOES",
"declaredAsCode": "POTATOES",
"classificationScore": 52,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "BANANAS",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "BARLEY",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "CEREALS",
"score": 2
"hypothesisCode": "GREENHOUSES",
"score": 1
"hypothesisCode": "LAND LYING FALLOW",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "LEGUMES",
"score": 4
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "PERMANENT GRASSLAND",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "POTATOES",
"score": 52
"hypothesisCode": "VARIOUS VEGETABLES",
"score": 13
"hypothesisCode": "WHEAT",
"score": 2
"hypothesisCode": "VINEYARDS",
"score": 0

Land-group marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
classificationCodeAssumed land use group with the highest confidence
declaredAsCodeDeclared land use group (mapped from the declared crop type)
classificationScoreScore of the likeliest assumed land use group (value between 0 and 100)
markerScoresList of scores per hypothesis
hypothesisCodeAssumed land use group
scoreConfidence in the assumed land use group (value between 0 and 100)

Example response

"id": "CY22.MARKER.586-10837450",
"markerTypeId": "CY22.CL_MT.S2L2A_LAND_COVER",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.586",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"classificationCode": "ARABLE LAND",
"declaredAsCode": "ARABLE LAND",
"classificationScore": 100,
"markerScores": [
"hypothesisCode": "ARABLE LAND",
"score": 100
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "GREENHOUSE",
"score": 0
"hypothesisCode": "PERMANENT CROPS",
"score": 0

Mean-NDVI marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
valueMean NDVI value of all valid observations per FOI

Example response

"id": "CY22.MARKER.592-10837450",
"impl" : "AGGREGATION",
"inferenceId": "CY22.INFERENCE.592",
"foiId": "CY22.FOI.10837450",
"status": "OK",
"value": 0.5653076

Greening-harvest marker

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
implMarker class
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
eventCompositesList of rise-fall pairs
rise.startDate before a significant rise of NDVI was detected; start of the greening period
rise.startThresholdThe first date when the significant rise of NDVI, compared to rise.startValue was detected
rise.endThresholdThe first date before rise.end when the significant difference of NDVI value compared to rise.endValue was detected
rise.extremaTimestamp within the greening period when the NDVI value is the highest
rise.endTimestamp that marks the end of the greening period; has same value as rise.extrema
rise.startValueNDVI value at the rise.start
rise.startThresholdValueNDVI value at the rise.startThreshold
rise.endThresholdValueNDVI value at the rise.endThreshold
rise.extremaValueNDVI value at the rise.extrema
rise.endValueNDVI value at the rise.end; has same value as rise.extremaValue
rise.numObservationsNumber of valid observations between the start and the end of the greening period
fall.startDate before a significant NDVI drop was detected; start of the harvest period
fall.startThresholdThe first date when the significant drop of NDVI, compared to fall.startValue was detected
fall.endThresholdThe first date before fall.end when the significant difference of NDVI value compared to fall.endValue was detected.
fall.extremaTimestamp within the harvest period when the NDVI value is the lowest
fall.endTimestamp that marks the end of the harvest period; has same value as fall.extrema
fall.startValueNDVI value at the fall.start
fall.startThresholdValueNDVI value at the fall.startThreshold
fall.endThresholdValueNDVI value at the fall.endThreshold
fall.extremaValueNDVI value at the fall.extrema
fall.endValueNDVI value at the fall.end; has same value as fall.extremaValue
fall.numObservationsNumber of valid observations between the start and the end of the harvest period

Greening and harvest marker

Example response

"id": "TEST.MARKER.91-6727959001",
"inferenceId": "TEST.INFERENCE.91",
"foiId": "TEST.FOI.6727959001",
"status": "OK",
"eventComposites": [
"rise" : {
"endValue" : 0.83880246,
"endThreshold" : "2020-04-01",
"startValue" : 0.6217497,
"end" : "2020-04-16",
"extrema" : "2020-04-16",
"startThreshold" : "2020-03-12",
"numObservations" : 7,
"endThresholdValue" : 0.77352065,
"startThresholdValue" : 0.7250762,
"extremaValue" : 0.83880246,
"start" : "2020-03-02"
"fall" : {
"extrema" : "2020-09-18",
"endThreshold" : "2020-09-03",
"end" : "2020-09-18",
"endValue" : 0.16239251,
"startValue" : 0.83880246,
"startThreshold" : "2020-07-05",
"start" : "2020-04-16",
"startThresholdValue" : 0.36374354,
"numObservations" : 10,
"endThresholdValue" : 0.30097502,
"extremaValue" : 0.16239251


idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
evaluationResult of the evaluation of the given condition(s) (true/false)

Example response

"id" : "TEST.MARKER.6-4981068",
"markerTypeId" : "TEST.CL_MT.S2L1C_EVALUATION",
"inferenceId" : "TEST.INFERENCE.6",
"foiId" : "TEST.FOI.4981068",
"status" : "OK",
"evaluation" : true

Count aggregattion

idMarker id
markerTypeIdMarker type id
inferenceIdInference id
foiIdFOI (Feature Of Interest) id
statusMarker status ("OK", "NOT_VALID" or "NOT_EXECUTED")
countCount of valid (according to a given condition) occurences, e.g. number of valid observatons, number of observations when the FOI's mean NDVI was above some threshold, etc.

Example response

"id" : "TEST.MARKER.90-4105747",
"inferenceId" : "TEST.INFERENCE.90",
"foiId" : "TEST.FOI.4105747",
"status" : "OK",
"count" : 10