The Observation React component displays the satellite image chip with drawn shapes on top. It also re-fetches the image chip when the image chip is resized to the specified height and width.
Observation API
<ObservationbaseUrl="https://services.sentinel-hub.com/ogc/wms/<your-instance-id>"layerId="MY_LAYER"date="2020-01-15"width={150}height={150}geometries={[{geometry: geoJSONGeometry1,style: {strokeColor: 'white',lineWidth: 1,},},{geometry: geoJSONGeometry2,style: {strokeColor: 'red',lineWidth: 1,},},]}shAuthToken={shAuthToken}paddingXPercent={10}paddingYPercent={10}upsampling="BICUBIC"downsampling="BICUBIC"cacheDuration={300}onClick={() => console.log('CLICK!')}language="sl"/>
Component name
The component name Observation
should be used when providing the props.
The props of the Observation React component are described in the table below.
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
baseUrl * | string | An OGC WMS compatible base URL address (for example https://services.sentinel-hub.com/ogc/wms/<your-instance-id> ). The address needs to support GetCapabilities call. | |
layerId * | string | The layer unique identifier that must be available at the baseUrl specified. | |
date * | string | The date used for the background image in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD ), in UTC. The date should be valid for the supplied layer ID. | |
geometries * | array | The shape type drawn on top of the satellite image, its position, outline color, and width. For more details see the geometries API in React observation API component. | |
shAuthToken | string | The Sentinel Hub authentication token. Either as a string or a function that returns a string. If using sentinelhub-js, it can be obtained using requestAuthToken function. | |
width | number or string | The width (e.g. 300 ) of the component (and thus images) in pixels. If no value is present, it defaults to 100% of the width of the parent container. | |
height | number or string | The height (e.g. 300 ) of the component (and thus images) in pixels. If no value is present, it defaults to 100% of the height of the parent container. | |
paddingXPercent | number | 10 | The percent of padding in the horizontal direction. |
paddingYPercent | number | 10 | The percent of padding in the vertical direction. |
upsampling | string | The upsampling interpolator for the image chip. Options are: BILINEAR , BICUBIC , NEAREST . | |
downsampling | string | The downsampling interpolator for the image chip. Options are: BILINEAR , BICUBIC , NEAREST . | |
onClick | callback (() => void) | When the image chip is clicked, the function given in the onClick prop is called. | |
language | string | en | The selected language at the time of rendering. Options are: sl - Slovenian, en - English, de - German. |
cacheDuration | number or string | 300 | The cache duration in seconds. |
* indicates mandatory props
Geometries API in React observation API component
The geometries
prop contains an array of objects.
Every object in the array contains properties described in the table below.
Property | Type | Description |
geometry | object | Geometry to be displayed in the observation component. See Geometry for more details. |
style | object | Style in which geometry is to be displayed in the observation component. See Style for more details. |
geometries={[{geometry: {type: 'MultiPolygon',coordinates: [[[[11.02, 45.01],[11.02, 45.02],[11.03, 45.02],[11.03, 45.01],[11.02, 45.01],],],],},style: {strokeColor: 'white',lineWidth: 2,},},]}